Thursday, April 26, 2012

Upgrading video card in HP slimline7600?

Hey all, I've got a HP slimline 7600, here is the entire spec page:

Basically I was going to install WoW and it said not enough RAM. Easy fix, I can easily upgrade to 2GB. It didn't say anything about the video card being good enough so I decided to check myself. It turns out I have a NVIDIA GeForce 6150LE. Find out it is an AGP (built into the motherboard). According to my spec page it says

Expansion slots

Slot type Quantity

PCI One (None available)

Does that really mean I'm stuck with this video card and I cant install another one?

Thanks.|||"Does that really mean I'm stuck with this video card and I cant install another one?" - Yes, that is exactly what that means. Also, that is not a video card, it is a chipset (built in to the motherboard). If you could live without whatever is in the PCI slot, you could remove it and put in a PCI video card - but that wouldn't be much of an improvement.|||Umm.. i think yes, you are stuck with that, but it would be easier to tell if you were to open the PC and see a blue slot with a big part and a little part. (Could be white.) I used to have that card and it SUCKS but WoW (great game) is designed to work on any PC, so you should be fine if you lower the graphics, but for any other next-gen games, you'll have a problem. Older games like Halo or Warcraft will play though.

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