Sunday, May 6, 2012

Upgrading video card in E-machines 270 PC?

I want to upgrade my e-machines 270 by adding a Geforce 2 or equivalent. Anyone know what is best for this machine as video card slot is non standard. Never done this before so any help appreciated.|||According to the manual (found at:… you can only fit a PCI video card ... that's assuming that you have free slots available to use. (PCI slots are normally coloured [colored for my American cousins] white.)

You will need to disable the on-board graphics addapter and then plug in the new video card (video adaptor is another term that you may see them referred to as). When you boot up you will be asked to install your driver disk which will come with your video card, though Windows itself may already pick up the card and install generic drivers from those it has already available.

Unfortunately, some hardware ... graphics card also, will require you to install the drivers before you plug in the new card. That should present no problem. Simply install the drivers, reboot your computer. Enter the BIOS and disable the onboard graphics controller, then switch off. Plug in your new video card, switch on your computer, and hey presto, all should be well.

When you obtain your new video card, don't touch along the edge connector ... the bit that you'll plug into the PCI slot. Static electricity and computer components do not mix well.

Best of luck.

If you are still unsure, send me an email and I'll try to talk you through it in an easier way.|||Make sure what port you have inside your computer. If you have a small brown port then that is a VGA port and if you only have long black ports then those are PCI ports. When you look for video cards you look on the box and it will say VGI or PCI on the box. VGA is the best. You should get that if you have the port. The ports are on you motherboard by the way. They are the only slots that are not being used and you can easily find them once you buy the card because the card can only fit in those types of ports. Hope that I answered your question.|||Buy a PCI video Card, is the best because you can take it out and put in any computers that have pci slot. I have one and I sold my my computer and I took it out. Now I am using it with my new computer.

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